Hero Profile - Fractured - The Dynamic MMO


Mystaea Minaera

Race: Human

God: Elysium

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Guild: Meridian

Username: slumwav

Foundation Points: 4,960

Foundation Title: Messenger


From a family of sell-swords grew up in an affluent family with her brother. Family Minaera were not exactly royalty but their reliability to offer their skills with minor loyalties to the reigning being where they settled at any time offered them advantages even some nobility won't receive. Mystaea was pushed to train in bow and blade at a young age. Regardless of the freedoms she had and the luxuries provided from the money her family obtained she was trapped into a cycle of what was called "legacy." At one point in hier early teens she befriended a family ally who was well versed in "Arcane Arts" and worked with the parents. Taken by the mysticism of the man and the library and knowledge gained through his life, Mystaea would instantly denounce what she was pushed to do and to petition to learn a new form of combat. It took a lot of public meetings and private arguments but she was able to get what she wanted. Mystaea began being tutored in the world of Wizardry. Not only being viable for minor melee but having learned the ability to lightly politic and become the preferred neutral party in petty neighborhood teenage affairs. Upon turning 18 her parents tried pushing Mystaea into a relationship with a some-what new boy from another sell-sword family. It was then she seen what her parents are becoming and this legacy was more of an alliance and a backroom organization to control nobility by policing what they would or wouldn't do for their ruler. Disenfranchised by the revelation, her arcane tutor suggested that she tap into what she had learned and make a decision for herself. Thus beginning a quick vague goodbye to her family and a detailed explanation to her brother. Heading out she found herself quickly overwhelmed but instincts reigned and she quickly started writing down philosophies she would ponder and experiences and thoughts through situations on the road. Obtaining books related to Arcane topics, all other topics, and compiling her own writings for the next generation to use as information; Mystaea's encounters with people and her writings on people she meets and philosophies of those who aren't placed in history books so readers have a better view of the world and its people inhabiting the lands.
Her main goal was to run a library and continue to the career of being a Bodyguard of sorts but on permanent retainer. Hoping to find a home to call her own and to take part in helping to benefit the people she's around.