Glyph Migration starts soon!
Get us all immersed in the world of your creation with Fractured Online’s very first Tales of Elysium, the story writing contest!
Did you win the contest? Come and find out!
Join the Council of Elysium, Fractured Online’s first community livestream!
In Fractured Online competitive gameplay will be an important part of your travels through the worlds! Whether you are good, neutral, or evil, who you are matters in combat!
Explore Fracture Online’s unique town system, become a governor or join your friends in your new player-made town!
The Discord Emoji contest is here, get creative and get rewarded!
Jump into the testing action with a dedicated FAQ.
Enjoy 2 days of free gameplay and earn your exclusive in-game title “Shaper of Syndesia”!
Discover how Fractured Online brings the MMO and MOBA worlds closer by offering both meaningful choices and unparalleled flexibility!