Store & Launcher Download Ready!
June 21st, 2023 at 9:53 pmEverything is ready for the relaunch: the store is open, the launcher is ready for download… and a new wiki is born!
Hi, fellow gamer and MMO enthusiast!
Our new launcher & patcher is ready – you can download it here!
As many of you have already found out, the store is back as well with its classic reward-rich Founder Packs! You can find it here!
Relaunch Pretest
A little reminder now: the purpose of the upcoming test is to get feedback on the ton of new features and changes and test the stability of our new backend – this is not the “full” relaunch (yet)! Like all time-limited tests, it will be followed by a world and character wipe.
All owners of a Founder Pack can access the test. Please note that if you purchased the game on Steam or on Glyph (gamigo’s platform), you DO have access – it’s enough you complete the data transfer! Do it now if you haven’t yet!
New Wiki
Last but not least, we have a new official wiki for the game, which you can find here. Unlike the previous one, this wiki is carefully curated by a team of volunteers with exceptional knowledge of the game and access to our balancing documents, which means it only provides accurate, up-to-date information. Thank you wiki team, we couldn’t be more grateful <3
This was all for this update. Short but significant, I’d say! Don’t forget the exact date & time of the relaunch is Thursday, June 22, at 4pm CEST (10am EDT)!
Let’s do it!