Patch b.2.1 - VIP, Skins & More - Fractured - The Dynamic MMO


Patch b.2.1 – VIP, Skins & More

June 24th, 2024 at 6:31 pm

Activate your VIP membership, unlock unique cosmetics, recolor your armor and choose your character title! Patch b.2.1 is this – and more!

Hi, fellow gamer and MMO enthustiast!

This patch is a follow-up to The Invasion, which was released over a month ago. It contains more content than what was covered in the video back then, so read below for all the details!

Please note that most Founder Pack rewards are avaialble, but not all – for instance, house blueprints and pet companions are still in the making. We’re going to release another post with more details on when to expect those soon.


In patch b.2.1, VIP membership can finally be purchased on the website (or in game in exchange for Dynamight Token), and activated in game!

As you know, VIP also comes with Founder Packs. If you’ve bought (or if you’re going to buy) a Founder Pack, a button will appear in the store UI to activate its VIP time.

Please note that if you purchase a Founder Pack while logged into the game, you should relog to see your VIP time, tokens and other perks correctly assigned.

Token Exchange

In the Token Exchange, you can trade Dynamight Tokens (premium currency) for Gold (game currency), and vice-versa. You can choose whether to create a buy/sell order for the price you like, or immediately buy/sell for the best price available.

As both skins and VIP can be bought for Dynamight Tokens, the Token Exchange allows all players to get all the premium content of Fractured Online.

Please note: each trade is always performed filling the buy/sell others of other players. If you’re selling your Tokens for Gold, it’s because another player put its own Gold on sale. No game currency is ever introduced into the game economy by the Token Exchange!

Mount Skins

The craziest mount skins are finally live: open the Appearance menu, and give your mount a unique look!

Like all cosmetics, skins are account-bound. This means that once purchased, they are available on all characters, in all servers!

Armor Recolor

Not fancying the standard colors of your armor? A whole new palette is but a click away!

When purchasing and activating an Armor Recolor, the selected color combination will apply to all the pieces of armor you wear. The selection menu allows you to get a preview of how all the armor sets are going to look like! To disable it, just click on the No Recolor option.

Like all cosmetics, armor recolors are account-bound. This means that once purchased, they are available on all characters, in all servers!

Character Titles

Our current Founder Packs, the old Kickstarter pledge packs and the now-closed program The Foundation all contained custom titles for your character. With this patch, they’re finally live!

To select a title, just open your Character Menu and pick one, as shown above. If you don’t want to see the title of your own character or that of other players, just open the Settings menu – you’ll find a series of buttons to toggle different visibily modes.

Claim Items Recovery

Say goodbye to the horror of losing all your items because your land parcel expired!

If your land parcel becomes unclaimed (either because you abandoned it on purpose or because of unpaid maintenance), all the inventory items inside of your chests and crafting stations are now saved, so you can recover them in the future.

The recovery process is very simple: just enter the boundaries of the city that controlled the region your land parcel was located in, and click on the shiny button in the bottom-right corner of the screen. A menu will open up, from which you’ll be able to claim items one by one. Easy!

Please note that this system only saves inventory items, not heavy materials.

This was all for today. Enjoy Fractured Online!


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