Fall Alpha 2021 Survey
October 18th, 2021 at 1:43 pmHere’s something you haven’t seen in a while: a feedback survey! Fill it, earn Foundation Points, and let your voice be heard!
Hi, fellow gamer and MMO enthusiast!
The Fall Alpha 2021 ended a couple days ago, and here comes something you haven’t seen in a while: a feedback survey!
We know, this one’s longer than the ones you may have completed a while back. That’s because it is not only about the Fall Alpha, but it contains some personal questions about you and some others on what you think of Fractured in general.
While we understand it’s time-consuming to go through such a (relatively) long survey, please understand this is actually an important step for us, as it gives us the chance to get to know all of you better. Also, all text feedback is optional, so you can jut reply to the multiple choice questions 😉
Of course, this doesn’t replace all the great feedback we receive on our forums – it complements it, while rewarding you with 1,000 lovely Foundation Points!
Well then, thank you all for your help, and stay tuned for the upcoming roadmap!